David Charles


David Charles is a freelance writer most often found in the United Kingdom (winter) or on the saddle of his bicycle (summer). Topics of particular interest include refugees, slow travel and trees. David is also co-writer of BBC Radio sitcom Foiled. You can read more at davidcharles.info

By this writer

Around the world, local GLFx chapters are popping up of people dedicated to making their landscapes more sustainable. Meet them here
Chapter Profile: GLFx Cape Town
Newly popular field of soil microbiome restoration research offers hope
Short answer: yes – by changing wealth distribution, reversing inequalities and countering ecological degradation
Short answer: yes, but not Bitcoin
What could wartime levels of emergency funding buy us in the fight against global warming?
Landscape News’s pick of literature to read this year
CGIAR and big data “Inspire” digital leadership in agriculture
Farmers step up to the challenge of accelerating the digitalization of global food systems
Big data experts ‘fall in love with the problem’ by exploring new technologies
A trial in re-learning how to live off the Earth
What answers might lie in the 94 percent of fungi species yet unearthed
Responsible use of fire to clear land incentivizes farmers keep forests intact